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The spring of 2022 marked the 20th anniversary for the Modern Day Romeos. With over a thousand shows for all these years, every weekend, MDR has remained a top drawing party band with impressive numbers in any venue or festival and entertaining many at weddings and corporate events. All six of its members have come together from different musical backgrounds to create one of the most fun, unique and high-energy shows that you can experience locally. 

The musical selection of MDR is about as wide as it gets. The spectrum includes motown classics, classic rock treasures, metal anthems, 80's favorites, 90's gems, and the top hits of the 2000's. We alter most of the songs to our own style and add a lot of comedy and medleys to make your favorite songs new to you again. Our fan base ranges from 21 to 61 on a regular basis and we want to make sure we have something for everyone. Our challenge this year is to continue writing original music and have it available on iTunes by the end of the summer.

Put on your partici-pants!! MDR strives to be the most entertaining band you will see. Jim is in the crowd half of the time, separating them and assigning singing parts and leading a "bad dancing" competition, while Justin is showing off his majestic cowbell moves. Even if you attend by yourself, we will make sure that you meet the people next to you and high five and cheers the rest. We don't want you to come see a show, we want you to be a part of it.

We do our best to accommodate any size group of people or situation. MDR has played everything from graduation parties to weddings, to sand bar parties in the middle of a lake, to festivals in front of thousands of people throughout Illinois Wisconsin, and Indiana. We also have remained a top drawing band in almost all of the indoor venues we've have played for over 11 years. More recently we've branched out to doing many more corporate events, weddings and parties. With MDR there is no show we will not do. We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all those that come out to our shows. Please continue to support the local music scene, because without you...we're nothing. See you at the shows. 

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all those that support us and come see our shows. Please continue to support the local music scene, because without you...we're nothing. See you on the playground!!!




Click here to view songs currently in rotation.








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© 2018 Modern Day Romeos, llc

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